Nevada Vs Oregon: Business Cost Comparison: Victory for the Silver State!

   Veiws from Mt. Rose Ski Resort (Reno, Nevada) It’s a simple process to file corporate income taxes in Oregon. Their rate is just a flat 6.6% for all income levels. If you choose to incorporate your business in Oregon you are not required to pay franchise tax or tax on corporate shares. This is good for Oregon, but Corporations and LLCs registered in Nevada are also free from those taxes! Nevada corporations also do not pay state corporate income tax. Nevada has about the best outlook for corporate tax savings in the US for new incorporation’s. With so much available, undeveloped land here in Nevada, I’m surprised more business owners haven’t caught on to our tax incentives  Click the link below for an in depth comparison of the two states: Business Cost Comparison: Nevada Vs Oregon Click the link below for NV Energy’s Website ]]>

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