Join Tom Young & Harvey Fennell in the Fight Against Polio!

  Fennell and Associates Tom Young and Harvey Fennell have taken upon the Rotary International US $200 Million Challenge to raise funds to eradicate the tenacious disease known as Polio. As members of the Rotary Club of Reno, Harvey & Tom have been involved in the Polio Plus program. Founded in 1985, and after 20 years of hard work, more than two billion children have received oral polio vaccine. Harvey & Tom, along with the Reno Rotary, are working towards a Polio free future. Contributions to the Polio Plus Fund will help the Rotary raise $200 million to match $355 million in challenge grants received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Your contributions will directly support immunization campaigns in developing countries, where polio continues to rob children of their futures due to infection & paralysis. Polio not only traumatizes those stricken with the disease, but the compounding hardships faced by family members are devastating. As long as Polio remains in existence, children everywhere remain at risk. Click the link below for donation information & information regarding Polio or contact Tom Young at 775 850 3119 for more information.]]>

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